Home Away From Home: An All In One House in Adela

COMFORT, that is the first thing that I look for in a hotel. And it must be CLEAN.
Mid -afternoon Siesta
In Adela, all I want is a good place to lay down at night and thank Our Lord & Savior for all the blessings.

You can do almost everything you want here; sleep, study, devotion and more.......
I call it our "All in One" house. During we can remove all our bedding, and turned it into a mini school. 
By mid-afternoon, it is our siesta place.
And at night, our BEDROOM. All natural; with the moon and stars as light, the evening silhouettes of the plants & trees as walls and the sounds of insect around us. 
After five days, I can say, I have found more than the COMFORT & the CLEANLINESS, that I am looking. It comforted & cleansed the my heart of all the negativity stored inside me.
My HEADWEAR is enough to bring me to DREAMLAND every night. It is also the exact spot, where I sleep. If I move an inch, I'll be down in the grass....
Date: May 15-20, 2012
Place: Adela, Poro, Camotes Group of Islands, Cebu
