I called it an experience to remember because it is one of the many activities I have done for work that I can say I have 101% of my heart and passion for it.
First, I can choose not to go with the team & have my Liaison Officer assigned to Malapatan go with them. But I chose to be with them on this activity. We call it Team Dlumay, DLUMAY is a sitio on the mountains of Malapatan, Sarangani Province. I'll bet no introduction needed, when I say Sarangani , having one of the most recognized figure in the World for a Representative, and I will not even introduce him either, this post is about the experience and not him. LOL (I am inspired by the provisions of R.A. 10175 while writing this post, smiling and thinking let's see)
The TEAM is composed of representatives from the 5 units of the Office of the Provincial Governor (PGO); IPDP (Indigenous People's Development Program), PROBA (Provincial Barangay Affairs), Kalinaw Sarangani, ICT and PGO Admin. Here I saw how honest was my former boss', Governor Miguel Rene (Migs) A. Dominguez(he is worth mentioning, for his true service to Sarangani), service to the Sarngans is never EPAL in all his activities then, so is this activity we did for Sitio Dlumay, Upper Suyan, Malapatan.
All things set, and now the TEAM is physically ready for it. Now is the DAY!
I do have my own preparation for this 3 days & 2 nights activity. I have everything on my Jansports Backpack including my 1 liter water tumbler & sling bag that holds a few bucks & some personal stuffs.
Ready for 3 days & 2 nights away from home |
4:30 A.M. Jump-off from Jolibee Highway General Santos City on Sadam.
We have a smooth ride from General Santos City to Lun Padidu, Malapatan. We made a stop here to wait for other members of the Team; representatives from MLGU Malapatan, AFP & PNP. On our way to Daan Suyan we experienced a vehicle breakdown, Sadam just came from a long vacation. I am not a mechanic, so I can't tell you the problem, but this can't stop us.
While waiting for SADAM to get fixed |
6:00 A.M. - Arrived in Brgy. Daan Suyan, Malapatan.
Brgy. Daan Suyan, Malapatan |
The TEAM with the main means transportation - WEAPON |
In Daan Suyan, we learned that the Sadam and Military Trucks can no longer move farther due to heavy rains days before, the roads were not in good condition for the vehicles. Here we arrange all our stuffs; the sacks of rice, canned goods and goodies will be carried by horse and we have to secure our bags and readied our soles to get wet for a long walk ahead. Brgy. Daan Suyan to Brgy. Upper Suyan.
The long walk starts NOW |
BIG Rocks Along the Way |
Here the only way is through this stream |
First Stop
Here we have a quick breakfast, mine was a burger and water only, and few minutes to stretch our legs.
Breakfast |
Means of transporting products |
Then we are off again to a long walk of; river crossing, land traversing, and mountain climbing, then river, land & mountain.
Plains |
Hills |
River (which we crossed 8 times) |
11:00 A.M. - Centro, Brgy. Upper Suyan, Malapatan
After 4 hours, we arrived i Brgy. Upper Suyan, Malapatan the Barangay Local Government Unit where Sitio Dlumay is part of. We made a stop to rest and have lunch.
I'll end my post here. More to Come, DLUMAY SERIES!
Travel Date: April 13, 2011
* I worked as Program Manager of PGO-PROBA from September 2007-December 2011, and it showed me who were the personalities that gives an honest service to the people.
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