An Insipiring Weekend......Thanks 73rd Infantry Battalion

Please be there for our 23rd Founding Anniversary on June 16, 2011, 02:00 P.M. sharp, a short message coming from a military, what pop to my mind right away is, I am not available, but his message was followed by, you are one of our awardees, that made me change my mind. I said yes for two reasons; first, I want to explore the new Fort Sarangani, known as 73rd I.B, and my second reason is of course to receive such award, that I still don't know for what reason I am being recognized.

Arrived exactly 2 P.M sharp with Ma'am Beth of IPDP, in every event I make sure I looked my best.....

Exploring Fort Sarangani with Ma'am Beth and the 73rd's Women Club

Written on the trophy: A Peace Trophy awarded to Ms. Myra Grace S. Nolasco, For her peace-building efforts in the area of peace mediation and promotion of harmonious relationship among the tri-people of Sarangani.
I would say, I just love what I do, I get to help others at the same time take on an adventure. Always be passionate & fashionable........
